
PinPoint EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 71
AT Commands: Information and Status
Current Cell Info
Information Displayed in Wireless Ace without AT Commands Listed
Bytes and Packets Received and Sent
Network traffic for the applicable port.
Number of System Resets
Counter of the number of system resets over the life of the modem or since the configuration
was reset.
Bad Password Count
Counter of the number of bad password attempts.
IP Reject Count or Log
Rejected IP Data.
Versions of ALEOS, internal hardware, boot, and MSCI
Versions of internally configured hardware and software.
GPS information
Number of satellites, GPS Fix (0 = No Fix, 1 = GPS Fix, 2 = WAAS), latitude, and longitude.
GPS Status and Map Link
In Wireless Ace, next to the displayed information of the Latitude and Longitude, there is a link to
an external map which will visually place the co-ordinates. When you click the map link, it will
open your default web browser with the map location highlighted.
FIGURE 3. Wireless Ace: Map Link