
PinPoint EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 46
Global Positioning System (GPS)
FIGURE 21. Wireless Ace: Store and Forward Flush on Event
NMEA Configuration
The PinPoint transmits standard NMEA GPS messages as well as the proprietary RAP format.
Streaming NMEA Messages over the local port
FIGURE 22. HyperTerminal: NMEA Stream
FIGURE 23. Wireless Ace: NMEA Strings
Note: Outstanding packets can include messages already sent to the server that
haven’t been acknowledged (SnF Reliable Mode) whether they have been received
by the server or not.
The PinPoint can be configured to send standard NMEA messages (sentences) in ASCII over the
serial port without a PPP connection to the local computer. For examples of the message format
descriptions, refer to
page 136.
Send the command ATGPS1 to the serial portto begin the NMEA stream. The example below
shows the stream in HyperTerminal connecting directly to a PinPoint via the comport.
To stop the stream, with either terminal connection, use the command ATGPS0 (this can be
entered even while data is streaming). You can also use AT*PGPS=1 then AT&W to allow you
to stream the data even after the modem is reset.
You can also issue this command using Wireless Ace to stream the data from the serial port with-
out using HyperTerminal or another terminal application. The data will stream even after the
modem is reset.