5. SMS Settings
Users can change SMS setups in the SMS
Settings menu.
Users can use and to
switch the input methods.
3. After the editing is over, press to
confirm and press > Send.
4. “Save to outbox” message will show up
and press Yes to save it to outbox.
Functions available when sending a SMS:
Option Discription
Send to send the message
Save to save the message without
sending it
3. Outbox
When users save the message to the outbox,
select a message to read and press to use
the following funcions.
Option Discription
View to read the message
Delete to delete the message
Option Discription
Copy to copy Selected Record or
All Records To SIM or To
Move to Folder to move the message to
other folder
Save Number to add the record To SIM or
To Handset
4. Common Words
M307 builds in some Common Words for
users to edit message. Users can also
personalize their own common words.
Go to Message > SMS Settings > Common
Words to select one and press to edit .