Screen Display
1. Wallpaper
Wallpaper from built-in images
1. Go to Settings > Display Settings >
Wallpaper > Main Wallpaper/ Sub
2. Navigate upward and downward to browse
the built-in images and select one. Press
and press > Set as > Main
Wallpaper/ Sub Wallpaper.
Wallpaper from user’s images
1. To set the images captured with M307
camera as the wallpaper, please go to
Camera > My Album > Handset.
2. Locate the wanted picture and press
> Set as > Main Wallpaper. Name it and
press to confirm.
3. Repeat the previous steps in the built-in
images section to set up the wallpaper.
2. Idle Screen
Go to Settings > Display Settings > Main
Idle Screen/ Sub Idle Screen.
Users can enable or disable Show Manner/
Show Date/Show Time, Analog Clock, Digital
Clock, Business Clock in the Sub Idle Screeen
option. In the Main Idle Screen option, users
can start or stop function displays such as
Show Operator, Show Manner, Show Date,
Show Time.
3. Other Screen Setups
Option Discription
Brightness adjust the brightness with
left / right joystick keys
Theme choose Theme 1 or 2 for
Animation set up power on/off
Clean enable or disable the
Wallpaper clean wallpaper (only
pictures without words)
Screen Display
Screen Display