2. Press > Send. Key in messages and
press to send. The reply messages will
be saved in this chatting room.
3. Press to exit from the chatting room.
3. Other Functions
Other functions of the chatting rooms available
for users are as following:
Option Discription
Clear Chatting to clear chatting rooms
Room by pressing > Clear
Chatting Room > >
and all the setups
and messages will be
Save to Memory to save messages to the
Card mini SD card after it is
Multimedia Message
Via WAP/GPRS, MMS offers users a more
colorful and interesting message service with
audio and image files attachment.
1. Reading MMS MMS Inbox
When a new MMS arrives, the screen will
inform users with a MMS animation.
2. Composing MMS
Composing Text
1. Go to Message > MMS > Edit MMS.
2. Select “Content:” and press > >
Add Text to start editing.
3. When finish editing, press to confirm.
4. If users would like to edit or delete the text,
simply press to Edit, set up Duration
or Delete.
Multimedia Message
Multimedia Message