The Control Unit
The control unit for the Models 1030 and 3070 is pictured on page 22. The model 1030 control unit is the lower half of the
unit shown. Addition of the Expansion Unit, or top half of the unit shown, makes the 1030 control unit a 3070 control unit.
The numbers on the diagram match the numbers on the following descriptions of control unit parts.
Power Module:
Reduces ac power to a level the system
can handle.
Circuit Breakers. Automatically cut the power to the
control unit if an overload occurs.
Ring Generator. Optional Ring Generator Unit plugs
in here if you have basic Touch-Tone or rotary
Auxiliary Power. Auxiliary Power Unit plugs in here
to provide the auxiliary power you need if you have
an unusual number of optional accessories.
Power. Green light indicates power is on.
Off/On Switch. Turns the power to the control unit
off and on.
Processor Module: Works in conjunction with the
Feature Module. Switch settings on this module control
system operating conditions.
Switches A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Select system operating
options provided by Feature Module 1.
Warning. Red light warns of problem in control unit.
Feature Module 1:
Contains the software that enables
you to customize your system.
Attendant/Administer (10) Switch. Selects attendant
or administer mode for the administrator/attendant
Normal/Attendant (11,12,13,14) Switches. Select nor-
mal or attendant configuration for these four voice
Pooled/Square Switch. Selects mode of operation for
the system so that line buttons on voice terminals
are associated with either a group of lines (line pool)
or separate lines (square).
Toll Prefix/Area Code Switch. Sets the system to ex-
pect either a prefix digit before the area code on long
distance calls, or just the area code alone.
1-8 Lines/ >8 Lines Switch. Sets the system size to
eight or fewer lines or greater than eight lines.
Diagnostics Module:
An optional module that deter-
mines which component is faulty if the system
Module A:
Reserved for future use.
Services Module B:
An optional module that allows con-
nection of the following optional equipment:
PFTT (Power Failure Transfer Telephone) Jack. Per-
mits connection of four basic modular telephones for
use as backup during commercial power outage;
system automatically switches service to them if
power fails.
Extra Alert Jacks. Allow connection of lights or loud
bells or horns for noisy or remote locations where
the regular voice terminal ring cannot be heard.
Page Jack. Permits connection of a loudspeaker
paging system for up to three paging zones.
Music In Jack. Permits connection of a music source
for Music-On-Hold or background music through a
paging system.
MOH Vol (Music-On-Hold Volume) Control. Allows
volume adjustment for Music-On-Hold.
Bkgd Vol (Background Volume) Control. Allows
volume adjustment for background music.
Tone. Position 1 provides a short tone before
loudspeaker paging announcements; position 0
eliminates the signal.
Level. Sets amplification for music source. Lo is for
sources with their own amplifiers; Hi for those
Line Module:
Provides jacks for up to five outside lines.
You may have one or two Line Modules.
0,1,2,3,4. Modular jacks that connect outside lines to
the MERLIN system.
Voice Terminal Module:
Provides jacks for ten voice ter-
minals. You can have up to three Voice Terminal Modules.
A different module that adds jacks for 9 basic Touch-Tone
or rotary telephones is also available.
0 begins the numbering of the first set of voice ter-
minal jacks on the module. These jacks determine
the intercom number of the voice terminals plugged
into them (0 is intercom 10, 1 is intercom 11, etc.).
5 begins the numbering of the second set of voice
terminal jacks on the module.
Module C:
Off-Premises Telephone Interface to support
off-premises telephones.
Expansion Unit:
Transforms the Model 1030 control unit
into a Model 3070 control unit. This unit increases overall
system capacity from 10 lines and 30 voice terminals to
30 lines and 70 voice terminals. It can accommodate two
Power Modules, up to four Line Modules, and up to four
Voice Terminal Modules for telephone connection. It also
contains two additional modules for future use.