Symptom: Calls to voice terminals connected to 408
or 008 modules are cutoff or dropped.
Possible Cause
Too many Off-Premises
Telephone Interfaces
(OPTIs), Basic Telephone
and Modem Intererfaces
(BTMIs), or Basic Telephone
and Modern Interface 2s
(BTMI-2s) are connected to
the module.
PossibIe Solution
Step 1
Check the number of
voice terminal connections to
the module. Make sure that
no more than four OPTIs,
BTMIs, or BTMI-2s are
connected to the module. No
more than two should be
connected to the upper set of
four jacks, and no more than
two should be connected to
the lower set of four jacks. If
the trouble no longer occurs
you have corrected the
Step 2
Check the type of
voice terminals connected to
the module. If the remaining
ports are assigned to voice
terminals that use two unit
loads each, overloads may
still occur. Switch some of
the voice terminals to other
modules or power each
accessory externally with an
auxiliary 48-volt dc power
If the trouble no longer
occurs, you have corrected
the trouble.
To Investigate Further
If the trouble still occurs. the
module is still overloaded.
Go to Step 2.
If the trouble still occurs, go
to "General Tests" at the end
of this section before calling
the equipment supplier.
Procedures for Specific Symptoms