
Power supply module, 1-38
controls and indicators, 1-23
description of, 1-19
Power supply units, auxiliary, 2-122 — 2-123
connecting to the control unit, 2-81 — 2-85
connecting to the control unit 50 or more feet
away, 2-86 — 2-89
set to scroll to top of page method of, 3-98
of Call Distribution groups, 3-84, 3-102
of dial plan, 3-27 — 3-28
inward dial plan, 3-61 — 3-62
method of getting for paging groups, 3-103
Night Service, 3-88, 3-106
paging groups, 3-84
system information report, 3-91, 3-107
system speed dial, 3-108
system speed dial codes, 3-91
Printouts, all,
BIS-34D console administration, 3-106
Display console administration, 3-89
Processor module, 1-38
controls and indicators, 1-25
description of, 1-21
adjunct equipment table of, 5-6 — 5-7
control unit, table of, 5-1 — 5-2
voice terminals and accessories, table of,
5-3 — 5-5
Progamming, 1-30
Pulse Amplitude Modulation, defined, 1-40
Pulse Code Modulation, defined, 1-41
Quantizing, defined, 1-41
Radio-frequency interference, 2-9
solutions to, 2-10 — 2-11
disconnects call, 4-53
doesn’t work, 4-52
Recall Timer Interval
BIS-34D console administration, 3-106
Display console administration, 3-90
too long, 4-53
too Short, 4-52
Reminder Service Cancel
BIS-34D console administration, 3-107
Display console administration, 3-90
printout of, 3-107
Renumbering system
after adding modules, 3-63 — 3-64
after replacing modules, 3-63 — 3-64
procedure for, 3-64
Restarting the control unit, 4-55
Ringing options, 3-114, 4-38
assigning to lines or line pools, 3-114 — 3-116
BIS-34D console administration, 3-107
Display console administration, 3-90
Rotary lines, dialing Timeout for
BIS-34D console administration, 3-100
Display console administration, 3-81
Rotary signaling.
See Touch-Tone or rotary
Rotary telephones, administering, 3-110 — 3-113
Saved Number Redial, 3-119 — 3-120, 4-31
Signal conversion, analog to digital, 1-40
Signal processing, analog to digital, 1-40 — 142
Signaling mode, 1-47
Signaling type, 1-48
Simultaneous Voice and Data, 3-6, 3-43
maximum analog stations, 1-4
maximum data stations, 1-4
procedure for identifying jacks, 3-48 — 3-49
Single renumbering, with flexible numbering,
3-30 — 3-31
Special characters in programmed dialing
sequences, 3-118
Square system, description of, 1-4
Station access to allowed lists, printout of, 3-94
Station jacks.
See Jacks
Station module, installing, 2-79 — 2-80
Station numbering strips, 2-24
Station shift buttons, description of, 3-6
I-6 Index