Equipment that is connected to the analog station jacks
(408/008) and is located in a building outside of the main
(control unit location) building, but within 1000 feet of the
control unit is called In-Range, Out-of-Building (IROB)
equipment. To protect both the control unit and the IROB
equipment from exposure to lightning, inadvertent contact
with power lines, and power currents induced by nearby
power lines, IROB Protectors are required. Two TII
Model M343 IROB protectors are required for every analog
station jack that is connected to IROB equipment. The
IROB protectors must be located at the cable entrance/exit
of both buildings. See “IROB Protectors” on page 2-126
for more information.
Local tie lines that extend out-of-building must have
primary protection in the form of voltage limiters
(typically carbon blocks or gas tubes). A protector should
be provided in each building where the wiring run leaves
or enters.
The MERLIN II system contains components that can be
damaged by electrostatic discharge. To prevent static
discharge, take these precautions:
1 Properly ground yourself when replacing modules or
performing other tasks on the control unit.
2 Have the customer maintain relative humidity between
20 and 80 percent.
3 Have the customer install an antistatic mat at each
voice terminal.
In most cases, radio-frequency interference (RFI), or
electrical noise, is introduced to the system through trunk
or voice terminal cables. However, electromagnetic fields
near the control unit may also cause RFI in the system.
Therefore, the control unit and cable runs should not be
System Grounding Requirements 2-9