Issue 2.0 December 1995 GL-25
switch integration
An automatic telephone exchange that allows the transmission of calls to and from the public
telephone network. See also
private branch exchange (PBX)
switched access
A connection made from one endpoint to another through switch port cards. This allows the
endpoint (such as a terminal) to be used for several applications.
switch hook
The device at the top of most telephones which is depressed when the handset is resting in the
cradle (on hook). This device is raised when the handset is picked up (the phone is off hook).
switch hook flash
A signaling technique in which the signal is originated by momentarily depressing the switch
switch integration
Sharing of information between a messaging system and a switch in order to provide a seamless
interface to callers and subscribers.
switch integration device
Operates as a digital telephone set emulator.
switch network
Two or more interconnected switching systems.
synchronous communication
A method of data transmission in which bits or characters are sent at regular time intervals, rather
than being spaced by start and stop bits. See also
asynchronous communication
synchronous transmission
A type of data transmission where the data characters and bits are exchanged at a fixed rate with
the transmitter and receiver synchronized. This allows greater efficiency and supports more
powerful protocols.
system configuration
The standard for Group III fax machines that covers the protocol used to manage a fax session
and negotiate the capabilities supported by each fax endpoint.
tape cartridge
One or more spare removable cartridges required to back up system information.
tape drive
The physical unit that holds, reads, and writes magnetic tape.
transmission control protocol/internet program