Issue 2.0 December 1995 4-11
20. Mount a 248B adapter on a 2012D power transformer.
21. Connect the other end of the D6AP-87 cord to the 248B adapter.
22. Plug the 2012D power transformer into an AC outlet.
Connecting SMDR Ports
Within 50 feet, Same Power Outlet
This method is used only when the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System
and the Intuity system are within 50 feet and share the same power outlet.
The following parts are required:
■ For connection to Serial Port 2 (MAP/5) or COM2 (MAP/40 and MAP/100):
— DB-9S to DB-25P Adapter
— 355AF Adapter
— Z200A EMI Filter Modular Cord
■ For connection to first available port on the Multi-Port Serial Card:
— Multi-Port Serial Card (if not already installed)
— 6 position, 6 conductor straight-through modular cord (supplied
with Multi-Port Serial Card)
— DTE 4/6-to-DB-25P Adapter (supplied with Multi-Port Serial Card)
This adapter has slanted sides as shown in the figure.
— 355AF Adapter
— Z200A EMI Filter Modular Cord
Connect to Serial Port 2 (COM2) if it is available and if it is not reserved for use by
a Remote Maintenance Modem. If Serial Port 2 (COM2) is not available, connect
to the first available port on the Multi-Port Serial Card.
Connecting to Serial Port 2 (COM2)
To connect to Serial Port 2 (COM2), refer to Figure 4-6. Connect the MERLIN
LEGEND Communications System SMDR port and the Intuity system port by
following these steps:
1. Connect the short end of the Z200A EMI Filter modular cord to the SMDR
(upper) jack of the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System.
2. Connect the long end of the Z200A EMI Filter modular cord to a 355AF