Virtual Facilities
A Virtual Facility (VF) is a call-routing facility which is not defined by the physical facility
(trunk) over which calls are routed. Instead, the facility is defined by a combination of access
codes, authorization codes, and coded characters that allow special handling of the
destination telephone number. VFs can be used to automatically route calls via other carrier
networks, private networks, or tie trunks.
Virtual Facilities can also be used in ARS patterns to ensure that users who place these types
of calls use the route (the virtual facility) the system administrator has defined. For more
information, see the System 25 Reference Manual.
Keep the following parameters in mind when assigning VFCs:
■ Virtual Facility Codes (VFCs) range from # 190 through # 199 (including the # sign)
■ The number you assign to a VFC can contain up to 28 digits and/or special characters.
■ You can use the following special characters within a Virtual Facility Number (VFN):
sends a 1.5-second pause
# #
sends a #
sends a *
# 3
changes signaling from dial pulse to Touch Tone (end-to-end signaling)
# 5
tells the system to insert the destination telephone number (dialed digits)
at this point in the VFN
To assign or remove a 1 At
Action = , enter 25.
virtual facility
2 At
Data = , enter the access code, 190-199 (do not enter
the # character).
3 To assign or remove a VFN, type a and at
Action = ,
enter 26.
4 At
Data = , enter
■ the number you want to assign to this VFC (allowable
characters are listed at the beginning of this section).
■ 0 to remove the number currently displayed
To permit dial access to
1 At
Action = , enter 27.
this virtual facility
2 At
Data = , enter 1 for yes or 0 for no. The default is 0.
Administering System-Wide Options 4-9