
5 Type t and at Port = , enter the new CSSPP for the DXS
6 At
Action = , enter 1.
7 At
Data = , enter
1601 for the first DXS console
1602 for the second DXS console.
Note When you move a DXS console, System 25 automatically
reassigns the group select buttons you had administered for
the previous port assignment. You do not have to
readminister those buttons at the new port assignment.
To remove a selector
1 From the Main menu prompt, enter 1.
(DXS) console
2 At
Port = , enter the CSSPP for the selector console you
want to remove.
3 At
Action = , enter 1.
4 At
Data = , enter 0.
Display Support
To assign or remove an
1 At
Action = , enter 90.
attendant Display ID
2 At
Data = , enter the Display ID (not more than 11
characters, enclosed in double quotes), or “” to remove
the ID.
Assign Class-of-Service to an Attendant Console
This procedure is the same as for multiline voice stations.
See the procedure for assigning
class-of-service options to multiline voice stations in Administering Voice Stations.
Administering Attendant Equipment 9-5