
To assign the number of
1 At
Action = , enter 7.
rings before unanswered
DGC calls are sent to the
2 At
Data = , enter the number of rings, 1-31.
delay announcement or a
The default is 5.
button appearance
To assign PDCs used to
Action = 11 with a default Data of 800 is the first of eight
access calls parked by the
possible PDCs used to access a call on the DXS console which
has been parked by the attendant. The remaining seven
PDCs use Actions 12 through 18. Corresponding default
PDCs for
Data = are 801 through 807.
1 At
Action = , enter a number from 11-18.
2 At
Data = , enter a PDC or 0.
Switched Loop Attendant Console Options
In addition to the preceding options, you can assign the following options to a SLAC:
To assign SLAC options
From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4. Assign additional
SLAC features as described below.
To set audible tone at
1 At
Action = , enter 81.
expiration of hold timer
2 At Data = , enter 1 for yes or 0 for no (the default is 0.
To assign the call
1 At
Action = , enter 82.
coverage group for which
the queue should act as
2 At
Data = , enter the call coverage group number, 1-32, or
coverage receiver
0 for none. The default is 0.
To set the length of hold
1 At
Action = , enter 83.
2 At
Data = , enter the number of seconds before the hold
timer expires, 10-255. The default is 20.
Administering Attendant Equipment 9-7