In the event that you need technical assistance with trouble shooting, please have the following
infonnation ready when calling our TechhicalService Department 910-277-1828. This inThfrnation
is important for a proper and speedy diagn~sis of the problems encountered.
Model Number of Cruise Control System pnnted on box and manufacturers code printedoii;the
Actuator Assembly
Vehicle Make Model and Year:
Engine and Transmission:
Ensure that the Brake Switch wiring connections are correct. "
Red wire of WirinrHarness Assembly is connected to "HOT SID~11(co.or):
Violet wire of Wirinl Harness Assembly is connected to "COLD StD~" (cblor):
Ensure that the Brown wire is connected to an "i&nition power sou'rce"
Speed Signal Source:
VSS (Vehicle Speed Signal): Gray wire connection point and wire color:
Alternative Speed Si&Dal Source (part *)" , :' ; I' r,
I "
Tachometer Silnal: Blue wire connection point and color
Actuator Assembly prolramming switch settinls:
1 2 ,;3, 4
8 9
List the parts used for the throttle connection and cable anchoring. Refer to the Parts List all
Parts Diagram on Pages 4-5.
Form #4313, Pa&e 1.2