114" x 29
---7116" Box
End Wrench
~nchoring Cable Assembly I
There are three (3) types of connectors used to anchor
the Cable Assembly:
A. Snap-ln Adapter
B. General Motors Blank Anchor
C. Threaded Tube Clamp
A. Snap-ln Adapter
1-3/8" -1-1/2" Formed Threads
nGUU 19
Cable Assembly
MUST Extend
Put Adapter
nGUH 20
I. To use the Snap-ln Adapter, it will
be necessary to fonn threads on the end of
the Cable Assembly. This is easily
accomplished by placing the 114" -10 Nut on
the end of the Cable Assembly with your
fingers. Then use a 7116" box end wrench and
turn clockwise until the desired amount of
threads have been Conned. (Figure 19)
2. After the threads have been formed, screw the
Snap-ln Adapter on to the Cable Assembly.
(Figure 20)
NOTE: Cable Assembly must extend past the
end of the Snap-In Adapter on all applications.
3. The Snap-ln Adapter snaps into the square
hole of the Enension Bracket (Figure 11)
or snaps into an existing square hole on the
vehicle -common on GM vehicles.
(Figure 21)
FonD #4313, Page 14