Configuration of the Telephone
User Settings
User Settings
Configure Macro Display
Configure Menu Selection
You can adapt the function menu (see page 34) to your own requirements. If you only like to
use some of the available functions, you can disable the others to reduce the menu selection.
The fading out only concerns the function menu. If the concerning functions are also available
in a different manner, e.g. via the key programming menu (see page 35) or via an already
configured key, this access is still available for the function.
Open the settings menu for the setting “macro
display” (You will find help on page 33 and the
user settings
macro display
The icon marks the current
Use the and softkeys to browse to the
option you require and press the softkey to
the left of the option:
ț static text: During the macro execution the
name of the key is displayed.
ț macro steps: During the macro execution
the currently dialled digits are displayed.
Open the settings menu for the setting “menu
definition” (You will find help on page 33 and
the following).
user settings
menu definition