Symbols used in the Manual
Markers/Formats used
[...] The text in brackets is a place holder, e.g. [Number] is a place holder for a
numerical number.
The text connected to a display via thin lines is describing the information content
of the display and about the functions operated via softkey.
The thick lines connect an action (e.g. a function started via softkey) in the arrow
direction with the result (e.g. the next menu, the next possible selection).
Abbreviations used in the Manual
TAM Telephone Answering Machine
ersonal Identification Number. A (often four-digit) secret code that has to be
entered to get access to services or authorizations.
ight Emitting Diode = An electronic device that is very similar to a lamp and is
used for displays (also multi-coloured).
CF Call Forwarding
Softkey These special keys next to the display change their functionality depending on
the current situation.
General limitation of legal responsibility and application
Auerswald products are not designed or intended for use in any life-saving and/or life support
application and/or nuclear facility. When using our products for such applications a written
agreement by Auerswald for each individual case is necessary in advance.
Passing on or duplicating the contents of this manual or parts of it is only allowed with our
express written permission. Offenders will be subject to claims for damages. All Rights
Auerswald GmbH & Co. KG, 38162 Cremlingen, 2007
Accessory and Service components
These are available at your authorized dealer or in the Internet shop distriCOM at http://
www.districom-online.de (Only shipping in Germany.)
This symbol warns against damage to persons by dangerous electrical volt-
This symbols warns against property damage.
This symbol warns about possible user errors and circumstances that might
lead to functional restrictions or malfunctions.
This symbol marks supplemental advice and tips.