First Operation of the Answering Machine (only COMfortel 2500)
If the initialization has no success after inserting the SD card ( is still visible with short
interruptions), the SD card is not supported.
If you like to remove the SD card again, you can unlock it with slight pressure out of the slot.
To prevent that current processes are interrupted, finish them first (see page 219).
Upload standard Announcements with COMfortel Set
During the installation of the PC programme COMfortel Set with the sw version 1.9 or higher,
standard announcements in three different languages (German, English and Italian) are cop-
ied to the PC automatically. These are announcements for the call acceptance STAND-
ARD.WAV, the announcement for the remote access REMOTE.WAV and the announcement
for the message forwarding FORWARD.WAV.
If you have inserted an SD card into the telephone (page 20), you can upload these
announcements via COMfortel Set (page COMfortel Set ̈ Answering machine ̈ Data
exchange ̈ Standard announcements) into the telephone. The answering machine is
ready for operation now.
Which type of standard announcements are used – German, English or Italian – depends on
the language configured in the telephone. For all the languages except German and Italian
the English standard announcements will be used.
With COMfortel Set existing individual announcements (WAV files) can be uploaded into the
telephone, too (page COMfortel Set ̈ Answering machine ̈ Data exchange).
How to record individual announcements via telephone and to assign them is described on
page 199.
Buy the Function COMfortel Voicemail in the Upgrade Centre
After inserting the SD card the SD card functions (e.g. answering machine) are released for
30 days one-time. To use the functions after this time a chargeable release of the function
COMfortel Voicemail via Upgrade Centre is necessary.
The following data have to be held available for the purchasing in the Upgrade Centre:
User name and password (you will receive them during the registration/creation of a user
account in the Upgrade Centre)
12-digit serial number of the telephone (see below)
The 10-digit serial number on the sticker of the telephone or on the package wrapper is not
sufficient for the release.
You can also request your authorized dealer to perform the release in the Upgrade Centre.
For the released function you will get a release code (20-digit). This has to be entered into
the telephone (see page 24).