System manual MeDis 5MP1HM 15
Notice: Wear a protective ESD strap during installation or handling of
the controller. Electrostatic charges can damage the controller.
Familiarizing Yourself With the 5MP1HM
Prior to installing your 5MP1HM controller(s) in your PC please take a
few minutes to familiarize yourself with both the controller and the PCI
slots in your computer.
Figure 1: The 5MP1HM Display Controller
Jumper Location
There is one user settable jumper on the BarcoMed 5MP1HM. It is
used to enable or disable the VGA capabilities of the controller.
Using the VGA Capabilities of the BarcoMed 5MP1HM
Prior to installing the BarcoMed 5MP1HM, decide if you are going to
use its on-board VGA capabilities. If you are, check the setting of the
Jumper at J-1 on the display controller. (See VGA Jumper, J-1,
Figures 1 and 2) By default, VGA should be enabled, on the top two
pins. If you are using the VGA capabilities of the 5MP1HM, you
Display Controller installation