System manual MeDis 5MP1HM 71
Screen Saver During Work Day
On CRT based displays, such as the Barco MGD series, a regular
screen saver can be invoked during user inactivity during the work
day. This regular screen saver and its settings can be chosen from
the Screen Saver During Work Day section. We recommend using
an all black screen saver, such as the Barco Blank Screen saver, for
the longest phosphor life.
On LCD based displays, such as the Barco CORONIS displays, it is
not necessary to invoke a screen saver as there is no CRT phosphor
to preserve. However, one can extend the life of the backlight in the
LCD display, in addition to realizing great power savings, during
period of user inactivity by quickly entering the Off state. We
recommend setting the work day to be as short as possible to get the
maximum power savings on CORONIS displays.
Available Savers
Lists the Available Screen Savers.
Changes settings for the selected screen saver.
DPMS Settings After Work Day
If you have an display controller that supports DPMS calls, then you
will be able to set the DPMS Settings for after the work day.
Otherwise, a text box will be displayed telling you why DPMS
functions are not available.
Amount of Time in each DPMS State
After the work day, the display will be placed into one of the following
DPMS Power States: Stand-By, Suspend, or Off. The default setting is
for the display to directly go into the Off State and spend no time in
the Stand-By or Suspend states. If the user wishes to go into the
Stand-By or Suspend states before going into the Off state, select the
required amount of time for each state.
If requested, the display will first go into Stand-By state, then into
Suspend state, and then into Off state. The properties of DPMS states
are listed in the following table:
BarcoMed controller tools