System manual MeDis 5MP1HM 69
The BARCO DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling) Screen
Saver allows the user to set power and display saving features for
medical displays driven by BarcoMed Display Controllers. At the end
of the work day, the display will enter certain DPMS states as
requested by the display controller.
The default state for the BARCO DPMS Screen Saver is the Off state.
In addition to simply entering the Off state after the work day, the user
can specify that the display first go through two other DPMS Screen
Saver states before going into Off state. These two other states for the
Screen Saver are Stand-By and Suspend. The user can specify how
much time should be spent in each state in the Amount of Time in
each DPMS Power State section.
A valuable feature of the BARCO DPMS Screen Saver is that it will
automatically ensure that Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) based displays
are warmed up for the start of the work day. All CRT based displays
require some warm-up time before they are at full performance.
On CRT based displays, such as the Barco MGD series, a regular
screen saver can be invoked during user inactivity during the work
day. This regular screen saver and its settings can be chosen from
the Screen Saver During Work Day section. We recommend using
an all black screen saver, such as the Barco Blank Screen saver, for
the longest phosphor life.
On Barco CORONIS displays, the I-GUARD will stabilize the image
within a few seconds after the display returns to the active state, thus
eliminating the need for a warm-up period at the beginning of the work
On Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) based displays, such as the Barco
CORONIS displays, it is not necessary to invoke a screen saver as
there is no CRT phosphor to preserve. However, one can extend the
life of the backlight in the LCD display, in addition to realizing great
power savings, during period of user inactivity by using DPMS to
quickly enter the Off state. We recommend setting the work day to be
as short as possible to get the maximum power savings on CORONIS
The BARCO DPMS Screen Saver can also be used when no one is
logged on.
BarcoMed controller tools