10. Troubleshooting
Image 10-16
Add XDS to firewall exception list
To check if your antivirus is blocking the XDS D esktop Sharing client software, try to configure your antivirus to allow all the comm u-
nications by the client. If this does not w ork, then stop your antivirus software and retry.
Kaspersky Antivirus has been fou nd to block scanning Displays
10.7.5 Cannot share des ktop on the Wall
Solution steps
1. From the Task Man ageron the client PC, end the ICDesktopSh aringClient.exe application, which will stop the XDS Desktop
Sharing client
2. And also check if PROS erver.exe is running in the Task Manager
If so, then end the process.
3. Restart the XDS Desktop Sharing client
Checklist for using XDS Desktop Sharing client
1. In the XDS Control Center P C, make sure you have not changed the password of PROServer
2. If V NCServer is already installed on the XDS display, m ake sure that when PROServer is runn ing, VNCS erver is not running
Note: XDS Desktop Sharing is not compatible with VNCServer
If problem persists, try uninstalling existing VNCServer.
10.7.6 3D applications do not show up on display
Solution steps
1. To display applications using 3D g raphics (based on OpenGL or DirectX), right-click on Windows des ktop
2. Select Properties