3. XDS Control Center
This option displays the sourc e in its native size without scaling.
Note: Whenever a source is launched, it will open up in its native resolution and native aspect ratio. If the native aspect ratio
is listed in the standard ratios, the corresponding ratio will be checked in the list.
Image 3-82
Context menu: S et the native resolution
3.7.6 Showing/Hiding a window border
How to show a window border?
1. Right-click on the viewer to open the context menu
2. Select Show Window Dec oration to see the window border.
For example, see image 3-83, it displays the source with the window border and the Show Window Decoration option is checked.
Image 3-83
Context menu: S how window decoration
Note: By default, the Sho w Window Decoration option is always enabled.
How to hide a window border?
1. Right-click on the source to
open the context menu
2. De-select Show Window Decoration option to hide the window border. Only the inserted source will be displayed.
The im age 3-84 displays the source without the window b order and the Show Window Decoration option is unchecked.