3. XDS Control Center
If User Management is disabled during installation, then
a) From XDS Control Center G UI, open Help menu
Image 3-153
Enter Administrator mode
b) Click Enter Administrator Mode...
c) Make the required changes
d) Click Leave Administrator Mode to use the default session
Image 3-154
Leave Administrator mode
If User M anagem ent is enabled during installation, a nd you ar e a session user, then
a) Close the XDS session or logout
b) Open the session or re-login with administrator credentials
c) Make the required changes Deleting a presentation
How to delete a presentation?
1. Right-click on the name of the presentation you want to delete
2. Click Delete
For example, w e want to delete the presentation M aintenance P
lans ’09
Note: When you click Delete, all the layouts saved under this presentation will also be deleted.
Image 3-155
Click the option Delete
82 R59770497 XDS SOFTWARE REFERENCE GUIDE 17/11/2009