NOOK User Guide Reading 123
Changes in the text size only aect the Reader. They do not change the size of text in
The Daily, Shop, Library, or Settings. They also do not change the size of text in the
touchscreen menus.
Here are examples of the text sizes Extra small, Medium, and Extra large for the font Amasis.
PDB Files
Text sizes are simplest for PDB files. The six sizes are the same from file to file. Medium in one
eBook is the same as Medium in the next one. The other sizes are the same as well.
When you change the Reader text size in a PDB file, your NOOK repaginates the content. It can
take up to several minutes before your NOOK displays the progress bar and page numbers.
EPUB Files
EPUB files can contain instructions that specify the size of body text and other text, for example
chapter titles.
When displayed, the text of digital content in EPUB, PDB, and reflowable PDF documents is in one
of six sizes. For most digital content, medium will be the same size medium. The other sizes will be
the same as well. But there are exceptions to every rule. In some cases, the fonts will be larger than
usual, and in other cases smaller. In these cases, you should still be able to choose a text size that
works for you.