NOOK User Guide Games 151
Playing a Game
You play a game of chess just like you do on a physical chessboard. White moves first. All of the
pieces have their standard moves, which you can look up on the Internet using your NOOK’s web
To make a move:
1 Study the chess board on the reading screen and decide on your move.
2 On the touchscreen, tap the piece you want to move. You might need to scroll the board to see
the piece. A yellow square appears around that piece on the touchscreen. To change your mind
about the piece to move before moving it, just tap a dierent piece.
3 Tap the square to which you want to move the piece. If the move is not a permitted one,
nothing happens. If the move is a permitted one, the piece moves.
To undo a move:
If you make a move and do not like it, you can undo it. You can even undo it after the NOOK
makes its move. To undo a move, tap Undo.
To resign:
To resign, tap the Menu button and then tap Resign.
Sudoku is a number puzzle that appeared in French newspapers near the end of the 19th century. It
re-appeared in Dell Magazines in 1979. It is from Japan that we get the name Sudoku. (Information
paraphrased from Wikipedia)
On the Home menu, tap games > sudoku to play Sudoku:
The goal of Sudoku is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, row, and 3x3 region contains the
numbers from 1 to 9. Each game starts with a partially completed grid. Following is an example of a
puzzle with only the given numbers and the same puzzle completed: