NOOK User Guide 3
Using this Guide
To find specific information in this guide, you can use the table of contents or search the guide. In
the EPUB version, tap Go to > Chapter on the touchscreen to go to a chapter. To search the User
Guide for a specific word or phrase, tap Find, type the word or phrase, and then tap Submit.
The User Guide on your NOOK is an eBook, so you can try out NOOK features like bookmarks and
notes using the User Guide.
Following are conventions used in the User Guide:
This is a caution. Cautions contain important information, for example about safety and
the loss of data.
This is a note. Notes contain helpful information that we highlight to draw your attention
to it.
Menu choices on the touchscreen are shown in gray type, with greater than signs indicating
successive choices. For example: Tap Bookmarks > Go to bookmark.
Guide Updates
If needed, new versions of the User Guide and Tour will be automatically downloaded to the My
Documents section of your library through software updates.
Guide updates are also posted on the support section of the NOOK website:
More Information Online
More information is available online:
• FAQs
• Video tutorials
This information is available on the Support website:
Guide Revision