Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
Stitching A Motif
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Select and open indicated motif. Click
on Write to Machine icon. Select
aurora 430/440 (stitch out only); EC
on PC opens. Note: Make sure feed
dog is lowered, presser foot is up,
and foot control is removed.
Attach hoop. Click on the module arm
graphic to calibrate the module.
Click on start button on EC on PC
screen. Hoop moves, then an anima-
tion prompts you to lower the presser
foot and press the Start/Stop button on
the machine.
Machine will sew a few stitches and
stop. An animation appears, prompting
you to trim thread tail. When first color
is complete, animation will prompt you
to change the thread to the next color.
When embroidery is complete, 9
appears in lower left corner of EC on
PC screen. Trim and mount sample.
deco 330
Select indicated motif.
Stitch. Note:
At the end of each
color, the machine automati-
cally stops and a message
appears reminding you to cut
the thread and rethread for the
next color.
When the motif is complete, a
message appears indicating
that the stitching is finished.
Press the carriage return key
after finishing the last section to
return the carriage to the stored
artista 630E & 640E
Select the sewing machine icon
and motifs (butterfly) folder to
access the stored embroidery
Select indicated design; stitch.
630E: At the end of each color,
the machine automatically stops
and a message appears remind-
ing you to cut the thread and
rethread for the next color.
640E: At the end of color one, the
thread is automatically cut and a
message appears reminding you
to thread the next color.
When motif is complete, an OK
appears on screen to indicate
that stitching is finished.
artista 730E
Select the sewing machine icon
and motifs (butterfly) folder to
access the stored embroidery
Select indicated design. Touch
OK to go to Embroidery Ready
Stitch. Note: At the end of each
color, thread is automatically
cut and a message appears
reminding you to thread the
next color.
When the motif is complete, a
message will appear indicating
that the stitching is finished.
Embroidery Motif
deco 330
#36 - floral swag
aurora 430E & 440QEE
My Designs > Floral3.art
artista 630E & 640E
#17 - floral heart
artista 730E
#5 - floral wreath
Fabric & Stabilizer
8” x 10” rectangle