Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
Changing Lettering Height
Embroidery Motif
deco 330
artista 430E & 440QEE
King Charles
artista 630E & 640E
Swiss Block
artista 730E
Fabric & Stabilizer
8” x 10” rectangle
deco 330
Select Alphabet tab. Select small
font size. Program BERNINA;
touch OK. Move word up.
Select Alphabet tab. Select me-
dium font size. Program
BERNINA: touch OK. Move up.
Select Alphabet tab. Select large
font size. Program BERNINA;
touch OK. Position as needed.
Embroider. Return carriage to
stored position. Trim and mount
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Open a New file. Press A (on key-
board) to open Lettering Object
Properties. Select King Charles,
height 14mm. Type aurora; press
Enter; OK. Click to see lettering.
Copy & paste to create 5 auroras.
Select second aurora; right click
to open Lettering Object Properties.
Change height to 20mm; OK.
Note: Third & fifth auroras will be
used in next exercise, Changing
Letter Spacing.
Select fourth aurora; click & drag
top center sizing hangle to adjust
height of lettering.
Reposition as desired. Save As
lettering height & spacing. Do
not stitch until after next exercise.
artista 730E
Open alphabets; select Drifter. Enter
BERNINA; OK. Select Medium Hoop.
Duplicate BERNINA to create a total
of five copies. Use the Move Motif and
Retrieve functions to arrange the words
as shown in the illustration.
Select BERNINA at top of hoop. Touch
Letter Manipulation symbol and change
Letter Height to 6mm. Touch OK. Use
positioning functions to move the word
to Stitch Length knob = +500, Stitch
Width knob = 0.
Repeat this process for each BERNINA
as indicated below: Note: Stitch Width
knob position = 0 for all words.
1: Height = 6mm SL knob = +500
2: Height = 10mm SL knob = +350
3: Height = 14mm SL knob = +150
4: Height = 18mm SL knob = -100
5: Height = 20mm SL knob = -400
When combination is complete, touch
OK. Stitch, trim and mount sample.
artista 630E/640E
While lettering can’t be resized
directly on the 630E/640E, the size
of the lettering object can be
changed using the Proportional
Resizing tools.
Open alphabets; select Swiss Block.
Enter BERNINA; OK. Select Large
Oval Hoop.
Using the Add Motifs tool, add four
additional BERNINAs to create a
total of five copies. Use the Move
Motif and Retrieve functions to
arrange the words as shown in the
Select Edit 2; use the Retrieve
and Proportional Resizing tools
to change each BERNINA to a
different size as shown.