Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
Right-to-Left Mirror Image
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Right/Left Mirror Image
Select the indicated motif.
Left click on the Scale By 20%
icon to scale the motif down 20%.
Select Edit>Duplicate; there are
now two motifs on screen. Click
on Mirror Image Right/Leftt to
mirror image motif.
While duplicate is selected, use
the left arrow keyboard key to
move design to left. Note: Use up
or down arrows to move design
along its vertical axis, and/or right
and left arrows to move design
along its horizontal axis.
Save As right-left mirror image
Embroider, trim, mount sample.
deco 330
Right/Left Mirror Image
Select the indicated motif. Select
the Editing tab. Use the position-
ing arrows to move the motif to
the left.
Select Pattern selection tab.
Select motif again. Touch the
Right/Leftt Mirror Image icon.
Use the positioning arrows to
move motif to the right.
Embroider. Press the carriage
return key after finishing the last
section to return the carriage to
the stored position.
Trim; mount the sample on the
following page.
artista 730E
Right/Left Mirror Image
Select indicated motif. In Edit 1,
select the Medium hoop. Select
Duplicate Motif symbol. There are
now two motifs on the screen.
Go to Edit 2. Touch the Right/Left
Mirror Image symbol. The active
motif is flipped. Move it to the left
side of the hoop.
Retrieve the other motif and
move it to the right side of the
hoop. Touch OK.
Use the Retrieve icon to activate
both motifs. Select the rescale
function & decrease size to 75%.
Stitch, trim and mount sample.
artista 630E & 640E
Right/Left Mirror Image
Select indicated motif. In Edit 1,
select the Medium hoop. Select
the Add Motif symbol and reselect
the indicated motif. There are
now two motifs on the screen.
Go to Edit 2. Touch the Right/Left
Mirror Image symbol. The active
motif is flipped. Move it to the left
side of the hoop.
Retrieve the other motif and
move it to the right side of the
hoop. Touch OK.
Use the Retrieve icon to activate
both motifs. Select the rescale
function & decrease size to 75%.
Stitch, trim and mount sample.
Embroidery Motif
deco 330
#14 - seahorse
aurora 430E & 440QEE
My Designs > Floral1.art
artista 630E & 640E
#19 - flowers
#25 - flowers
artista 730E
#8 - grape leaf
Fabric & Stabilizer
8” x 10” rectangle