SkyRider 15
Read and observe the following general safety precautions at all times during operation
of the SkyRider 15.
This machine is not insulated for use near electrical power lines and DOES NOT
provide protection from contact with or close proximity to any electrically
charged conductor. Operator must maintain safe clearances at all times (10 feet
minimum) and always allow for platform movement such as wind induced sway.
Always contact the power company before performing work near power lines. As-
sume every line is hot. Remember, power lines can be blown by the wind.
Refer to Table 1-1 for minimum safe approach distances between machine and electrical
power lines.
Table 1-1. Minimum Safe Approach Distances
Minimum Safe Approach Distance
Voltage Range
(Phase to Phase)
(Feet) (Meters)
0 to 300V Avoid Contact
Over 300V to 50KV 10 3.05
Over 50KV to 200KV 15 4.60
Over 200KV to 350KV 20 6.10
Over 350KV to 500KV 25 7.62
Over 500KV to 750KV 35 10.67
Over 750KV to 1000KV 45 13.72
• ALWAYS position lift far enough away from power sources to ensure that no
part of the lift can accidentally reach into an unsafe area.
• ALWAYS operate only on a firm and level surface. NEVER use on surfaces
that do not support the weight of the equipment and its rated load capacity.
• ALWAYS keep yourself and all personnel away from potential pinch or shear
• ALWAYS report any misuse of equipment to the proper authorities. Horseplay
is prohibited.
• ALWAYS maintain good footing on the platform. NEVER wear slippery soled
• ALWAYS make certain all personnel are clear and there are no obstructions be-
fore repositioning platform.
• ALWAYS cordon off area around the base to keep personnel and other equip-
ment away from it while in use.
• ALWAYS stay clear of wires, cables, and other overhead obstructions.
• ALWAYS disconnect power at the batteries when not in use to guard against
unauthorized use.