Replacement Decals
Refer to Table 5-1, and Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 for descriptions and locations of decals
on the SkyRider 15.
Table 5-1. Replacement Decals
Decal No. Description of Decal
B06-00-0009 Warning...Moving telescopic masts will create... 2
B06-00-0034 Danger...During charging, explosive oxyhydrogen gas... 1
B06-00-0137 Workforce (Vertical transfer type decal) 2
B06-00-0138 Warning...(Maintenance decal) 1
B06-00-0146 Danger...(High voltage line warning) 1
B06-00-0167 Striped Safety Tape - On all four sides (per roll only) 28 Ft.
B06-00-0170 Maximum Capacity...500 lb. Or... 3
B06-00-0173 Safety harness lanyard attachment point 2
B06-00-0192 Operation and service manual inside 1
B06-00-0225 Warning...Stay clear when raising or lowering 2
B06-00-0286 Emergency Lowering 1
B06-00-0289 Check level with cage fully down 1
B06-00-0296 Battery Charger Receptacle 1
B06-00-0385 Warning...Full Body Harness and Lanyard... 1
B06-00-0349 Operation Instructions for Battery Charger 1
B06-00-0359 Serial Number Tag (Not available as replacement part) 1
B06-00-0382 Caution...This machine designed and manufactured... 1
B06-00-0383 Danger...Failure To Comply With The Following... 1
B06-00-0384 Warning...Stand clear when raising or lowering lift. 2
B06-00-0386 Operation Instructions for SkyRider 15 2
B06-00-0387 SkyRider 15, Yellow (Transfer type decal) 2
B06-00-0388 SkyRider 15, Black (Transfer type decal) 1
B06-00-0390 Trans Axle Instruction 2
B06-00-0130 Lubricate Monthly 6