Table 4-3. Troubleshooting Chart (Continued)
Problem Cause Correction
7. When joystick is moved, lift
vehicle will not travel. (cont)
f. Motor controller, motor controller
output wiring, or transaxle drive mo-
tor faulty.
g. Transaxle drive train damaged.
f. Check for output voltage to drive
motor when joystick is engaged. If
drive voltage is not present at motor
controller, replace motor controller. If
drive voltage does not reach drive
motor, repair wire break. If drive volt-
age is present at drive motor, replace
drive motor.
g. If transaxle drive motor runs, inspect
drive train components for damage.
Repair or replace transaxle gearhouse,
if damaged.
8. When steering thumb switch
is pressed, steering wheels
do not swivel.
a. Wheels turned to steering limit.
b. 10 Amp Motors fuse burned out on
main controller board.
c. Internal steering actuator fuse.
d. Thumb switch or thumb switch wiring
e. Actuator or actuator wiring faulty.
f. Steering linkage failed.
g. Main controller faulty.
a. Turn wheels in opposite direction.
b. Replace 10 Amp Motors fuse.
c. Replace steering actuator fuse.
d. Check for lighted steering LED when
thumb switch is engaged. If LED does
not light, signal is not reaching main
controller; repair wire break or re-
place faulty joystick.
e. Check actuator wiring for operating
voltage. If voltage is present, replace
faulty actuator. If voltage is not pre-
sent, check actuator wiring for conti-
nuity; repair wire breaks.
f. Check steering linkage for damage;
replace damaged parts.
g. Contact Workforce for assistance.
9. Pothole guard does not
deploy when lift platform is
raised via upper control box.
a. 10 Amp Motors fuse burned out on
main controller board.
b. Internal steering actuator fuse.
c. Actuator or actuator wiring faulty.
d. Down limit switch or limit switch
wiring faulty.
e. Pothole guard linkage failed.
f. Main controller faulty.
a. Replace 10 Amp Motors fuse.
b. Replace steering actuator fuse.
c. Check actuator wiring for operating
voltage while platform is rising. If
voltage is present, replace faulty ac-
tuator. If voltage is not present, check
actuator wiring for continuity; repair
wire breaks.
d. Check limit switch operation and
wiring. Replace damaged limit switch
or repair wiring.
e. Check pothole guard linkage for
damage; replace damaged parts.
f. Contact Workforce for assistance.