Billion BiPAC 8500/8501/8520/8521 SHDSL (VPN) Firewall Bridge/ Router
Chapter 4: Configuration
must be able to verify the identity of its peer. This can be done by manually
entering the pre-shared key into the router or hosts at both ends.
• Remote Host Name (Optional): Enter hostname of remote VPN device. It is a tunnel
identifier from the Remote VPN device that matches the Remote hostname provided. If
remote hostname is matched, the tunnel will be connected; otherwise, it will be dropped.
Cautious: This is used only when the router performs as a VPN server. This option should be
used by advanced users only.
• Local Host Name (Optional): Enter the hostname of the Local VPN device that is
connected / establishes a VPN tunnel. As a default, Router default Hostname is
• Tunnel Authentication: This enables router to authenticate both the L2TP remote and
L2TP host. This is only valid when L2TP remote supports this feature.
• Secret: The secure password length should be 16 characters which may include
numbers and characters.
Click Apply after changing settings.