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Mono application (Medium current)
The ST260’s two output channels ma
be paralleled (mono) to combine the left and
ht channels output current. This feature allows the amplifier to double its apparent
output current. To use, place the source
roup jumper for both channels on the ‘L BUS’
jumper terminal. Place the volume
roup jumper for both channels on the ‘NO VOL’
jumper terminal.
The speaker output terminals on the ST260’s rear panel must be paralleled in order to
complete the setup. Simpl
connect the (+) terminals for both channels to
ether usin
a jumper wire (not supplied with the amplifier). Finall
, connect the speaker cables from
the left channels (+) and (-) terminals to the speakers. Input
our source si
nal into the
left channel input. The instructions show the use of the left channel. You ma
also use
the ri
ht channel if
ou desire, just follow the above instructions usin
the ri
ht channel.
You ma
also use the L+R BUS to send a mono si
nal out of the amplifier derived from
the left and ri
ht channels. See below: