
Page 7
Example: When using 4 ohm and 8 ohm speakers together, the 4 ohm may sound
louder then 8 ohm at a given volume level. The level controls on the amplifier are used
to match the speakers volume level. Clockwise will increase the output. Counter
clockwise will decrease the output.
RCA type connectors accept line input from the preamplifier’s unbalanced output
connectors. There are two input connectors, one for each channel, that may be used to
connect the amplifier to the preamplifier.
RCA cable connector -
Here is a typical input setup:
You will notice the OUT BUS connections shown above. You may use these to connect
to another amplifier. The L BUS OUT carries the same signal as the L INPUT. The R
BUS OUT carries the same signal as the R INPUT. The L+R BUS OUT carries the
combined signal from the left and right inputs.