BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide
BMD00220, October 2010 Chapter 21: Protocol Independent Multicast 309
Influencing the Designated Router Selection
Using PIM-SM, All PIM-enabled IP interfaces are considered as potential Designate Routers (DR)
for their domain. By default, the interface with the highest IP address on the domain is selected.
However, if an interface is configured with a DR priority value, it overrides the IP address selection
process. If more than one interface on a domain is configured with a DR priority, the one with the
highest number is selected.
Use the following commands to configure the DR priority value (Interface IP mode):
Note – A value of 0 (zero) specifies that the G8124 will not act as the DR. This setting requires the
G8124 to be connected to a peer that has a DR priority setting of 1 or higher in order to ensure that
a DR will be present in the network.
Specifying a Bootstrap Router
Using PIM-SM, a Bootstrap Router (BSR) is a PIM-capable router that hosts the election of the RP
from available candidate routers. For each PIM-enabled IP interface, the administrator can set the
preference level for which the local interface becomes the BSR:
A value of 255 highly prefers the local interface as a BSR. A value of -1 indicates that the local
interface should not act as a BSR.
RS G8124(config)# interface ip <Interface number>
RS G8124(config-ip-if)# ip pim dr-priority <value (0-4294967294)>
RS G8124(config-ip-if)# exit
RS G8124(config)# interface ip <Interface number>
RS G8124(config-ip-if)# ip pim cbsr-preference <-1 to 255>
RS G8124(config-ip-if)# exit