BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide
58 Chapter 3: Securing Administration BMD00220, October 2010
To Load a Switch Configuration File from the SCP Host
To Apply and Save the Configuration
When loading a configuration file to the switch, the apply and save commands are still required,
in order for the configuration commands to take effect. The apply and save commands may be
entered manually on the switch, or by using SCP commands.
The CLI diff command is automatically executed at the end of putcfg to notify the remote
client of the difference between the new and the current configurations.
putcfg_apply runs the apply command after the putcfg is done.
putcfg_apply_save saves the new configuration to the flash after putcfg_apply is
The putcfg_apply and putcfg_apply_save commands are provided because extra
apply and save commands are usually required after a putcfg; however, an SCP session is
not in an interactive mode.
>> scp [-4|-6] <local filename> <username>@<switch IP address>:putcfg
>> scp ad4.cfg scpadmin@
>> scp [-4|-6] <local filename> <username>@<switch IP address>:putcfg_apply
>> scp [-4|-6] <local filename> <username>@<switch IP address>:putcfg_apply_save
>> scp ad4.cfg scpadmin@
>> scp ad4.cfg scpadmin@