BMD00220, October 2010 375
The G8124 supports sFlow technology for monitoring traffic in data networks. The switch includes
an embedded sFlow agent which can be configured to provide continuous monitoring information
of IPv4 traffic to a central sFlow analyzer.
The switch is responsible only for forwarding sFlow information. A separate sFlow analyzer is
required elsewhere on the network in order to interpret sFlow data.
Note – BLADEOS 6.5 does not support IPv6 for sFLOW.
sFlow Statistical Counters
The G8124 can be configured to send network statistics to an sFlow analyzer at regular intervals.
For each port, a polling interval of 5 to 60 seconds can be configured, or 0 (the default) to disable
this feature.
When polling is enabled, at the end of each configured polling interval, the G8124 reports general
port statistics and port Ethernet statistics.
sFlow Network Sampling
In addition to statistical counters, the G8124 can be configured to collect periodic samples of the
traffic data received on each port. For each sample, 128 bytes are copied, UDP-encapsulated, and
sent to the configured sFlow analyzer.
For each port, the sFlow sampling rate can be configured to occur once each 256 to 65536 packets,
or 0 to disable (the default). A sampling rate of 256 means that one sample will be taken for
approximately every 256 packets received on the port. The sampling rate is statistical, however. It is
possible to have slightly more or fewer samples sent to the analyzer for any specific group of
packets (especially under low traffic conditions). The actual sample rate becomes most accurate
over time, and under higher traffic flow.