2 COMMAND/POST Upgrade Guide for HP-UX Systems
How This Book Is Organized
This book is divided into the following sections:
• “Running the Preinstallation Script” on page 9 provides instructions for running the
preinstallation script.
Note: This script stops COMMAND/POST and the Sybase database so that no alerts are
processed; for more information, see “Important Upgrade Information to Consider”
on page 4.
• “Upgrading Your System and Installing COMMAND/POST 4.1” on page 21 provides
instructions for upgrading your operating system and installing COMMAND/POST 4.1.
• “Customizing the Postinstallation Script” on page 23 provides information about
modifying files created during preinstallation that control the processing of the
postinstallation script.
Review this information if you
– Encounter a failure during postinstallation processing and you want to repeat
processing that did not complete successfully
– Do not want to reinstall everything that was in your COMMAND/POST 3.2.3
configuration to your new COMMAND/POST 4.1 configuration
• “Running the Postinstallation Script” on page 25 provides instructions for running the
postinstallation script to update the database and regenerate the filters.
Note: This script stops COMMAND/POST and the Sybase database so that no alerts are
processed; for more information, see “Important Upgrade Information to Consider”
on page 4.
• “Responding to a Postinstallation Script Failure” on page 35 provides instructions for
responding to a postinstallation script failure, should one occur.
• “Completing the Upgrade Process after COMMAND/POST Is Installed” on page 36
provides information about what you have to do once your upgrade is complete.