In the User Name: field, type your user name.
When you start the application for the first time, enter
Admin as user name, no password required.
In the Password: field, type your password.
Click OK.
The application starts.
To start Operator Client:
1. From the Start menu, select Programs > Bosch VMS >
Operator Client.
The dialog box for logging on is displayed.
In the User Name: field, type your user name.
When you start the application for the first time, type
Admin as user name, no password required.
To access multiple Management Server computers
simultaneously, type the user name of a member of an
Enterprise Group.
In the Password: field, type your password.
In the Connection list, select the IP address or the DNS
name of the Management Server or Enterprise Management
Click OK.
If dual authorization has been configured for your user
group, the next logon dialog is displayed.
A user of the configured second user group enters the
required information.
The application starts.
If dual authorization is optional, just click OK again on the
second logon dialog box. But you then only have the user
rights of your user group and not the potentially extended
user rights of your dual authorization group.
Bosch Video
Management System
Installation | en
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Quick Start Manual 2012.07 | V1 | F.01U.269.054