
To scan VIDOS NVRs:
1. Select the desired VIDOS NVRs.
Click Next >>.
2. Type all user names and passwords of the listed device in
the appropriate cells.
Click Test all to authenticate all devices.
Click Test selected to authenticate only the selected
devices. This is useful when you repeat the device scan and
you want only the new ones to be authenticated.
Click Finish.
Adding a VRM device with iSCSI storage
Main window >
Devices >
In your network, you need a VRM service running on a computer,
and an iSCSI device.
When you add an iSCSI device with no targets and LUNs config-
ured, start a default configuration and add the IQN of each en-
coder to this iSCSI device.
When you add an iSCSI device with targets and LUNs pre-con-
figured, add the IQN of each encoder to this iSCSI device.
See Configuring an iSCSI device for details.
To add a VRM device and an iSCSI device:
Right-click and click Scan VRM Devices.
The Bosch VMS Scan Wizard is displayed.
2. Click to check the IP address of the desired VRM computer.
You can select multiple computers.
Click Next >>.
The next step of the wizard is displayed.
Bosch Video
Management System
Basic configuration tasks | en
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Quick Start Manual 2012.07 | V1 | F.01U.269.054