Configuring schedules
Main window > Schedules
There are two schedule types available:
– Recording Schedules
– Task Schedules
You can configure a maximum of 10 different Recording
Schedules in the Recording Schedule Table. In these segments
the cameras can behave differently. For example, they can have
different frame rate and resolution settings (to be configured in
the Cameras and Recording page). In every point in time,
exactly one Recording Schedule is valid. There are no gaps and
no overlaps.
You configure Task Schedules for scheduling various events
which can occur in your system (to be configured in the Events
The schedules are used in other pages of the Configuration
Cameras and Recording page
Used to configure recording.
Events page
Used to determine when events cause logging, alarms, or
execution of Command Scripts.
User Groups page
Used to determine when the members of a user group can
log on.
en | Basic configuration tasks
Bosch Video
Management System
2012.07 | V1 | F.01U.269.054 Quick Start Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH