
For Diesel Models 522447 & 582447
January 2009
Briggs & Stratton Corporation (B&S),the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) Emissions Control
System Warranty Statement (Owner’s Warranty Rights and Obligations)
California andUnited States Emissions Control Warranty Statement
The CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard(CARB), U.S. EPA andB&S arepleased to explainthe Emissions
Control SystemWarrantyon your modelyear 2009and laterNon-roadCompression-ignition engine.In
California, newNon-road Compression-ignition enginesmust bedesigned, built andequipped tomeet the
State’s stringent anti-smog standards.Elsewhere intheUnited States, newNon-road Compression-ignition
engines certifiedfor model year2009 andlater,must meet similarstandards set forthby theU.S.EPA.B&S
must warrantthe emissionscontrol system onyour enginefor the periodof timelisted below, providedthere
has beenno abuse,neglect or impropermaintenance ofyourengine.
Your emissionscontrol system mayinclude partssuch as thefuel injectionsystem andair inductionsystem.
Also includedmay behoses, belts, connectorsand other emissionsrelated assemblies.
Where awarrantable conditionexists,B&S will repairyour engineat no costto youincluding diagnosis,
parts andlabor.
Briggs & Stratton Corporation Warranty Coverage
The 2009and laterNon-roadCompression-ignition enginesare warrantedfora periodof 1,500hours ortwo
years, whicheveroccurs first. I fany emissions-related parton yourengine is defective,the part willbe
repaired o rreplaced byB&S.
Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities
As theengine owner, youare responsiblefor the performanceof the requiredmaintenance listedin your
Operator’s Manual.B&Srecommends thatyou retainallyour receiptscoveringmaintenance onyourengine,
but B&Scannot deny warranty solelyforthe lackof receipts orforyour failureto ensure theperformance of
all scheduledmaintenance.
As theengine owner, youshould howeverbe awarethatB&S may denyyou warrantycoverage if your
engine ora parthas failed dueto abuse, neglect ,improper maintenance or unapprovedmodifications.
Your engine isdesigned tooperate on low sulfuror ultra lowsulfur diesel fuelonly. Useof any otherfuel
may resultin yourengine no longeroperating incompliance with California’s emissionsrequirements and
U.S. EPA’s emissions requirements.
You areresponsible for presentingyour engineto an AuthorizedB&S ServiceDealer as soonas aproblem
exists. Thewarranty repairs shouldbe completedin a reasonableamount oftime,not to exceed30 days.If
you havequestions regardingyour warranty rightsand responsibilities, youshould contacta B&S Service
Representative at1-800-233-3723.
General Emissions Warranty Coverage
The followingare specific provisionsrelative to yourEmissions ControlWarranty Coverage.
1. WarrantedParts
Coverage underthis warranty extends onlytothe parts listed below(the emissions-related parts)to
the extentthese parts werepresent onthe engine purchased.
a. Fuel MeteringSystem
Injection pump
Injection nozzle
Fuel filter
b. Air InductionSystem
Air cleaner
c. ExhaustSystem
Exhaust manifold
d. Miscellaneous ItemsUsed inAbove System
Hoses, connectors,assemblies, clamps, fittings,tubing, sealing gaskets,and mounting
Emissions ControlInformation Label
2. Length ofCoverage
B&S warrantsto theinitial ownerandeach subsequentpurchaser thatthe engineis (1)designed,built
and equippedso asto conform withall applicableregulations adopted bythe Air ResourcesBoard
and (2)to befree from defectsin materials andworkmanship whichcaused thefailure of aWarranted
Part fora periodof 1,500 hoursor twoyears, whichever occursfirst, from thedate the engineis
delivered tothe ultimate purchaser.
3. No Charge
Repair orreplacement of anyWarrantedPart will beperformed atno chargetothe owner, including
diagnostic laborwhich leadsto the determinationthat a WarrantedPart isdefective,if the diagnostic
work isperformed atan Authorized B&SService Dealer.For emissions warrantyservice, contactyour
nearest AuthorizedB&S ServiceDealer as listedin the“Yellow Pages”under “Engines, Gasoline,”
“Gasoline Engines”“Lawn Mowers,” or similarcategory.
4. Claims andCoverage Exclusions
Warrantyclaims shall be filedin accordancewiththe provisions ofthe B&SEngine Wa rrantyPolicy.
Warrantycoverage shallbe excluded ifyour engineor a parthas faileddue to abuse,neglect,
improper maintenance,or unapprovedmodifications.B&S is notliable tocover failures ofWarranted
Parts causedby theuse of non-exemptedadd-on ormodifiedparts asdefinedin Title13, Section
1900(b)(1) and(b)(10).
5. Maintenance
Any Warranted Partwhich isnot scheduled forreplacement asrequired maintenance orwhich is
scheduled onlyfor regularinspectionto theeffectof “repair or replaceas necessary” shall be
warranted forthe warrantyperiod. If anysuch partfails duringthe periodof warranty coverage,it shall
be repairedor replacedat no chargeto theowner at awarranty station.Any WarrantedPart which is
scheduled forreplacement as requiredmaintenance shallbe warranted onlyfor theperiod of timeup
to thefirst scheduled replacementfor that part. Any r eplacementpart that isequivalent in
performance anddurability may beused inthe performance of anymaintenanceor repairsand will
not reducethe warrantyobligation of B&S.The owneris responsible forthe performanceof required
maintenance, asdefined in t h eOperator’sManual, but B&Scannot denywarranty solely foryour
failure toensure theperformanceof allscheduled maintenance.
6. Consequential Coverage
Coverage hereinshall extendto the failureof anyengine components causedby thefailureof any
WarrantedPart still underwarranty.
For Turbocharged Diesel Models 588447 & 58A447
Briggs & Stratton Corporation (B&S),the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) Emissions Control
System Warranty Statement (Owner’s Warranty Rights and Obligations)
California andUnited States Emissions Control Warranty Statement
The CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard(CARB), U.S. EPA andB&S arepleased to explainthe Emissions
Control SystemWarrantyon your modelyear 2009and laterNon-roadCompression-ignition engine.In
California, newNon-road Compression-ignition enginesmust bedesigned, built andequipped tomeet the
State’s stringent anti-smog standards.Elsewhere intheUnited States, newNon-road Compression-ignition
engines certifiedfor model year2009 andlater,must meet similarstandards set forthby theU.S.EPA.B&S
must warrantthe emissionscontrol system onyour enginefor the periodof timelisted below, providedthere
has beenno abuse,neglect or impropermaintenance ofyourengine.
Your emissionscontrol system mayinclude partssuch as thefuel injectionsystem andair inductionsystem.
Also includedmay behoses, belts, connectorsand other emissionsrelated assemblies.
Where awarrantable conditionexists,B&S will repairyour engineat no costto youincluding diagnosis,
parts andlabor.
Briggs & Stratton Corporation Warranty Coverage
The 2009and laterNon-roadCompression-ignition enginesare warrantedfor aperiod of 3,000 hoursor five
years, whicheveroccurs first. I fany emissions-related parton yourengine is defective,the part willbe
repaired o rreplaced byB&S.
Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities
As theengine owner, youare responsiblefor the performanceof the requiredmaintenance listedin your
Operator’s Manual.B&Srecommends thatyou retainallyour receiptscoveringmaintenance onyourengine,
but B&Scannot deny warranty solelyforthe lackof receipts orforyour failureto ensure theperformance of
all scheduledmaintenance.
As theengine owner, youshould howeverbe awarethatB&S may denyyou warrantycoverage if your
engine ora parthas failed dueto abuse, neglect ,improper maintenance or unapprovedmodifications.
Your engine isdesigned tooperate on low sulfuror ultra lowsulfur diesel fuelonly. Useof any otherfuel
may resultin yourengine no longeroperating incompliance with California’s emissionsrequirements and
U.S. EPA’s emissions requirements.
You areresponsible for presentingyour engineto an AuthorizedB&S ServiceDealer as soonas aproblem
exists. Thewarranty repairs shouldbe completedin a reasonableamount oftime,not to exceed30 days.If
you havequestions regardingyour warranty rightsand responsibilities, youshould contacta B&S Service
Representative at1-800-233-3723.
General Emissions Warranty Coverage
The followingare specific provisionsrelative to yourEmissions ControlWarranty Coverage.
1. WarrantedParts
Coverage underthis warranty extends onlytothe parts listed below(the emissions-related parts)to
the extentthese parts werepresent onthe engine purchased.
a. Fuel MeteringSystem
Injection pump
Injection nozzle
Fuel filter
b. Air InductionSystem
Air cleaner
c. ExhaustSystem
Exhaust manifold
d. Miscellaneous ItemsUsed inAbove System
Hoses, connectors,assemblies, clamps, fittings,tubing, sealing gaskets,and mounting
Emissions ControlInformation Label
2. Length ofCoverage
B&S warrantsto theinitial ownerandeach subsequentpurchaser thatthe engineis (1)designed,built
and equippedso asto conform withall applicableregulations adopted bythe Air ResourcesBoard
and (2)to befree from defectsin materials andworkmanship whichcaused thefailure of aWarranted
Part fora periodof 3,000 hoursor fiveyears, whichever occursfirst, from thedate the engineis
delivered tothe ultimate purchaser.
3. No Charge
Repair orreplacement of anyWarrantedPart will beperformed atno chargetothe owner, including
diagnostic laborwhich leadsto the determinationthat a WarrantedPart isdefective,if the diagnostic
work isperformed atan Authorized B&SService Dealer.For emissions warrantyservice, contactyour
nearest AuthorizedB&S ServiceDealer as listedin the“Yellow Pages”under “Engines, Gasoline,”
“Gasoline Engines”“Lawn Mowers,” or similarcategory.
4. Claims andCoverage Exclusions
Warrantyclaims shall be filedin accordancewiththe provisions ofthe B&SEngine Wa rrantyPolicy.
Warrantycoverage shallbe excluded ifyour engineor a parthas faileddue to abuse,neglect,
improper maintenance,or unapprovedmodifications.B&S is notliable tocover failures ofWarranted
Parts causedby theuse of non-exemptedadd-on ormodifiedparts asdefinedin Title13, Section
1900(b)(1) and(b)(10).
5. Maintenance
Any Warranted Partwhich isnot scheduled forreplacement asrequired maintenance orwhich is
scheduled onlyfor regularinspectionto theeffectof “repair or replaceas necessary” shall be
warranted forthe warrantyperiod. If anysuch partfails duringthe periodof warranty coverage,it shall
be repairedor replacedat no chargeto theowner at awarranty station. Any WarrantedPart which is
scheduled forreplacement as requiredmaintenance shallbe warranted onlyfor theperiod of timeup
to thefirst scheduled replacementfor that part. Any r eplacementpart that isequivalent in
performance anddurability may beused inthe performance of anymaintenanceor repairsand will
not reducethe warrantyobligation of B&S.The owneris responsible forthe performanceof required
maintenance, asdefined in t h eOperator’sManual, but B&Scannot denywarranty solely foryour
failure toensure theperformanceof allscheduled maintenance.
6. Consequential Coverage
Coverage hereinshall extendto the failureof anyengine components causedby thefailureof any
WarrantedPart still underwarranty.
Not for Reproduction