
Running engines produce heat. Engine parts, especially muffler,
become extremely hot.
Severe thermal burns can occur on contact.
Combustible debris, suchas leaves, grass, brush, etc. can catchfire.
Allow muffler, engine cylinderand fins to cool before touching.
Remove accumulated debris from muffler area and cylinder area.
It is aviolation of California Public Resource Code, Section 4442, to use or
operate the engineon any forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered land
unless the exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester, as defined in
Section 4442, maintainedin effective working order. Other states or federal
jurisdictions may havesimilar laws. Contact t he original equipment
manufacturer, retailer, or dealer to obtain a spark arrester designed for the
exhaust system installed on this engine.
Severe thermal burnscan occur by escaping steam or hot coolant.
DO NOT remove radiator cap or reservoir cap if engine is warm or running.
Stop engine and allow it to cool before removingradiator cap or reservoir cap
and before c hanging or adding coolant.
Unintentional start-up can result inentanglement, traumatic
amputation, or laceration.
Fire hazard
Before performing adjustments or repairs:
Disconnect battery at negative terminal (only engines withelectric start.)
Use only correct tools.
Do not tamperwith governor spring, links or other parts to increase engine
Replacement parts must be the same and installed in the same position as the
original parts.
Do not strikethe flywheel with ahammer or hard object becausethe flywheel
may later shatterduring operation.
Not for Reproduction