
How To Service The Air Filter - Figure
Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosioncan cause severe burns or death.
Never start or run the engine with the air cleaner assembly or the air filter
NOTICE: Do not use pressurized air or solvents to clean thefilter. Pressurized air can
damage the f ilter and solvents will dissolve the filter.
See the Maintenance Chart forservice requirements.
1. Open the latches (A) and remove the cover (B).SeeFigure7.
2. Remove the air filter (C).
3. To loosen debris, gently tap the air filter ona hard surface. If the air filter is
excessively dirty, replace with anew air filter.
4. Install the air filter.
5. Install the cover and close the latches.
How To Replace The Fuel Filter - Figure
Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosioncan cause severe burns or death.
Disconnect battery at negative terminal (only engines withelectric start.)
Keep fuelaway fromsparks, openflames, pilotlights, heat,and otherignition
Check fuel lines, tank, cap, and fittings frequently forcracks or leaks.
Replace if necessary.
Before replacing the fuel filter, drain the fuel tank or close the fuel shut-off valve.
Replacement parts must be the same and installed in the same position as the
original parts.
If fuel spills,wait until it evaporates before starting engine.
If the fuel filter warning light illuminates while the engine is running, stop the engine and
drain water from fuelfilter as follows:
Replace fuel filter
1. Disconnect the sensor wire (D).
2. Remove the drain plug (B) and discard the O-ring (E).
3. Remove the fuel filter (A) with a filter wrench.
4. Install a new fuel filterby handuntil gasket (F) contacts the housing. Thentighten an
additional 1/3 turn.
5. Install the drain plug with newO-ring.
6. Connect the sensor wire.
7. Activate the primer pump (C) until resistanceis felt.
8. Start the engine and check for leaks.
Drain water from fuel filter
1. Stop the engine.
2. Place a drain pan under the fuel filter (A) and loosendrain plug (B) approximately
one turn.
3. Water should drain from thef uel filter. If necessary, operate the primer pump(C)to
drain water, butonly until fuel flows from the fuel filter.
4. Tighten the drain plug.
5. Start the engine. Make sure that the warning light is off. Checkfor leaks.
How To Check/Adjust The Fan Belt - Figure
Check Fan Belt
1. Check the condition of the fan belt (A, Figure 9). If the fan belt has cracks or is
damaged, replace with a new belt.
2. Check the tension of the fan belt. Press on the center (C) of the fan belt. Iftension is
correct, the belt will move 3/8 -- 1/2 in (10 -- 12 mm) if 22 lbs (10 kg) of force is
applied to the center of the belt. If the tension is too loose, adjust as follows.
Adjust Fan Belt Tension
1. Loosen the alternator mounting bolts (D) and (E).SeeFigure9.
2. Position a pry bar (F) against the alternator (G) and the side of the engine block. To
tighten the f an belt, pull on the pry bar. Temporarily tighten the alternator mounting
3. Check the tension of the fan belt. See Check Fan Belt section. If necessary, repeat
the procedure.
4. Tighten the alternator mounting bolts.
Torque bolt (D)to14ft-lbs(19Nm).
Torque bolt (E)to45ft-lbs(61Nm).
Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosioncan cause severe burns or death.
When Storing Fuel Or Equipment With Fuel In Tank
Store away f rom furnaces, stoves, water heaters or other appliances that have
pilot lights or other ignition sources because they can ignite fuel vapors.
Fuel System
Draining the f uel tank is not recommended for storage. Instead, fill the fuel tank to
prevent condensation, thenadd a diesel fuel micro-biocide additive toprevent bacteria
and fungi from growing in the tank. Run the engine for several minutes to circulatethe
additive through the system.
Engine Oil
While the engine is still warm, change the engine oil.
Need Assistance? Go to BRI GGSandSTRATTON.COM or call 1-800-233-3723.
Engine Specifications
Model 520000
Displacement 51.87 ci (850 cc)
Bore 2.677 in (68 mm)
Stroke 3.071 in (78 mm)
Oil Capacity 3.5 qt (3.3 L)
Engine Specifications
Model 580000
Displacement 58.09 ci (953 cc)
Bore 2.835 in (72 mm)
Stroke 3.071 in (78 mm)
Oil Capacity 3.5 qt (3.3 L)
Tune-up Specifications *
Model 520000, 580000
Intake Valve Clearance
0.008 in (0.2 mm)
Exhaust Valve Clearance
0.008 in (0.2 mm)
* Engine power will decrease 3.5% for each 1,000 feet (300 meters) above sea leveland
1% for each 10° F(5.6° C) above 77° F(25° C). The enginewill operate satisfactorily at
an angle up to 15°. Refer to the equipment operator’s manual for safe allowable
operating limits on slopes.
Check when engine is cold.
Common Service Parts n
Service Part Part Number
Air Filter 820263
Oil Filter 820314
Fuel Filter 820311
V-Belt (940 mm) 821075
V-Belt (970 mm) 820893
n We recommend that you see any Briggs & Stratton 3/LC Authorized Dealer for all
maintenance and service of the engineand engine parts. Use only genuine Briggs &
Stratton parts.
Not for Reproduction