NOTICE: Well must not be more than 20' depth to
1. Long runs and many fittings increase friction and
reduce flow. Locate pump as close to well as
possible: use as few elbows and fittings as possible.
2. Be sure well is clear of sand. Sand will plug the
pump and void the warranty.
3. Protect pump and all piping from freezing. Freezing
will split pipe, damage pump and void the warranty.
Check locally for frost protection requirements
(usually pipe must be 12" below frost line and pump
must be insulated).
4. Be sure all pipes and foot valve are clean and in
good shape.
5. No air pockets in suction pipe.
6. No leaks in suction pipe. Use Teflon tape or Plasto-
Joint Stik to seal pipe joints.
7. Unions installed near pump and well will aid in
servicing. Leave room to use wrenches.
8. Pump body may explode if used
as a booster pump. DO NOT use in a booster
Before You Install Your Pump
Figure 3 – No Air Pockets in Suction Pipe
Figure 2 – Foot Valve Must
Work Freely
No Sags
Sags Allow Air Pockets
If Air Pockets Form, Water Won’t Flow.
Keep Pipe Straight and Angled up to Pump.
1101 0697
1096 0697
Dirt and Scale Plug Pump and Pipes!
Use New Pipe for Best Results.
Clean Flow!
Figure 1 – No Dirt or Scale in Suction Pipe
No Air Leaks In
Suction Pipe.
If Air Flows
Water Won’t
Use Teflon Ta
Use Teflon Tape Or Pipe Joint
Compound Approved For Use On PVC.
Disch. Distance Above Water
5' 10' 15' 20' 5' 10' 15' 20' 5' 10' 15' 20' 5' 10' 15' 20'
Capacity – Gallons Per Minute
10 55 49 48 45 67 61 56 46 69 67 65 62 92 83 81 78
15 51 46 45 44 66 58 55 45 65 63 60 58 86 79 78 76
20 45 42 39 37 61 56 54 44 59 56 54 52 80 76 75 74
25 38 35 32 29 55 52 51 43 52 50 48 45 73 71 70 69
30 31 28 24 20 48 45 44 38 47 45 42 40 66 66 65 64
35 23 19 16 11 39 37 34 28 42 38 35 32 60 60 59 58
40 1713 8 332720113430272355545352
45 1814 8 251710 47464645
50 14 7 40383736
Models PQP10 and PQP15 have discharge of 1-1/2" NPT and suction is 2" NPT.
PQP20 and PQP25 have 2" NPT suction and discharge.
PERFORMANCE CHART (in gallons per minute)
High Head
Figure 4 – Suction Pipe Must Not Leak