Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database)
Searching for an Embroidery Design
The Search function allows you to quickly search for the desired embroidery design (.pes, .phc, .dst, .exp, .pcs,
.hus, .vip, .shv, .jef, .sew, .csd, or .xxx) within the selected folder according to the various search conditions
that you can specify.
1. In the folder pane, select the folder that you
want to search.
2. Click File, then Search.
→ The Search dialog box appears.
3. Specify the search conditions.
To search for a file with a specific file name,
select the File Name check box, and then type
the file name in the box beside File Name.
To search for a file with a specific format,
select the Format check box, and then select
the check box beside the desired format.
To search for a file with a number of stitches
within a specified range, select the Stitches
check box, and then type the range in the
boxes beside Stitches.
To search for a file with a number of colors
within a specified range, select the Colors
check box, and then type the range in the
boxes beside Colors.
To search for a file with a width within a specified
range, select the
check box, and then type
the range in the boxes beside
To search for a file with a height within a specified
range, select the
check box, and then type
the range in the boxes beside
To search for a file with a modification date
within a specified range, select the Date
Modified check box, and then type or select
the range in the boxes beside Date Modified.
To search for a .pes file with a design name that
contains specific characters, select the
check box, and then type the desired
characters in the box beside
Design Name
To search for a .pes file with a category that
contains specific characters, select the
check box, and then type the desired
characters in the box beside
To search for a .pes file with an author name
that contains specific characters, select the
Author check box, and then type the desired
characters in the box beside Author.
To search for a .pes file with a keyword that
contains specific characters, select the
check box, and then type the desired
characters in the box beside
To search for a .pes file with a comment that
contains specific characters, select the
check box, and then type the desired
characters in the box beside
To clear the search conditions, click Clear all.
4. Click Search.
b Memo:
Wildcard characters (“?” to represent a single
character and “ ” to represent multiple
characters) can also be used.
b Memo:
• To also search through the subfolders
(folders within the selected folder), select
Search Subfolders
check box.
• All characters entered in the box beside
will be considered as a single set of
characters. However, you can search for
files matching multiple words in the boxes
Search Conditions (only for PES
by separating the words with a space.
• With search conditions that contain a range,
values must be entered for the start and end
of the range.