
Click under Programmable fill.
The Browse dialog box appears, allowing
you to preview and browse through the
existing programmable fill stitch patterns.
Select pat07, and then click OK.
The dialog box closes and a preview of the
selected stitch appears at the bottom of
the Sewing Attribute Setting dialog box.
To change the size, move the slider to the right
until it is set to
10.0 mm
0.39 inch
The Sewing Attribute Setting dialog box
appears as shown below.
To change the direction of the fill stitching,
click Constant, move the pointer over the red
arrow inside of the circle, and then drag the
red arrow until 340 degrees is selected.
b Memo:
The preview of the stitch pattern at the
bottom of the dialog box changes each time
a setting is changed. This allows you to see
how each setting affects the pattern.
The width and height of the pattern can be
changed separately. (For more details, refer
to “Programmable fill stitch” on page 157.)